Friday, December 23, 2011

Picking up

I didn't expect to keep up with this blog after I made it. I figured it would just be something I would come back to when I am in the mood to write... and that is exactly what is happening right now. I have no idea what this post will lead to.. so if it doesn't make sense, forgive me.

I think I have lost something... and this is the first time I have admitted it to myself. Maybe because I didn't want to believe or accept the fact that I have lost it. Now... I am not talking about my faith here... but kind of close to that. I think I have lost my faith in my faith. Make sense? Well it's okay, 'cause I don't get it either. Maybe it's the relationships I've made, or maybe it's being so constantly occupied with life. Either way though, there's no excuse to swallowing up the world and forgetting to focus on what is really important to me and what, or more specifically who I want to have a close-knit relationship with.

In life, we take in our surroundings; but I think in a way, our surroundings take us in more. I'm not blaming anyone else for me straying away from what's upmost important to me because it is clearly no ones fault but my own. I know opinions change in life.. but that doesn't mean just because you've heard a new prospective, you have to loose the ideals you have always lived by. The whole point I am trying to make is... I pray that writing this out will help me see that I have not lost touch with my beliefs, more just gotten distracted... and I feel quite guilty for that. If you have read this whole excerpt... I am very sorry.. but thank you for having that much of an interest and wish you a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Culture: the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of particular people, nation, or other social group. The word culture word has begun to bombard us with many questions. A lot of people think culture is just the difference in countries in a physical sense, however, I beg to differ. Having the opportunity to travel across the world a few times, I have seen how America has such a different attitude about a lot of things opposed to Europe for example. Even when I was walking around the streets in London, I was very aware of how more personally conserved people are there. If girls wear skirts there, they always have tights under, same with shorts. Shirts are also always covered in an appropriate way. 
As I was observing all the new perspectives on presenting yourselves there, I noticed I had the upmost respect for them. I think it’s very modest and admirable that they don’t flaunt themselves, even as adolescence. I really wish some teenagers here could go explore the culture there and gain some respect for themselves like the british have. I don’t feel it’s right for teenage girls to expose their bodies just for attention, your body is supposed to be something personal and private. If you can’t respect yourself as an adolescence, I don’t know how far you can really get in life. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What a Hypocrite.

A feather. An object? An analogy? A state of mind? So many different things a simple feather could be referred to, yet no one takes the time to think about a little old feather, why would you? It’s not useful to you, doesn’t help you in any way, you don’t get any enjoyment out of a little feather. That’s the point though, in this day I am overwhelmed on how people are treated the same exact way as a poor feather. I myself am guilty of this analogy, ignoring a lonely person when I have the ability to include them. Living in todays day and age, it’s so extremely difficult to not get caught up in life. However, we need to realize, it’s these little things like picking up a feather when it fell down that builds who we are and who we will become. Life shouldn’t be lived for what just gets you by, it should be lived in the upmost light and respect for everyone on this planet because every single one of us contributes so much to this world and how our future and the future of so many more people will develop. There is so much hatred bottled up in this place we call home, it makes me sick. 
Judgement. Discrimination. Jealousy. Repudiation. Selflessness. Humiliation. The list is endless.
If you haven’t realized by now, I created this blog in the means of expressing my true opinions about the world, and anything else for that matter. The worst part? What a hypocrite I am. 

I wish more than anything in this infinite galaxy.. I could just take my own advice for once.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Time, something that is constantly escaping us. Time has always been a tough word for me to apprehend. The way I look at it, it’s more of a love/hate relationship than anything else. There are exceptional moments in life when time just decides to flow, and then times when you come across a glimpse of yourself and can not even retrieve what you are seeing. 
For a while, I have begun to think that time is my enemy, an atrocious apprentice just watching my life get ahead of me. However, no matter how easy it is to blame time for me watching my life going too fast, I know it can only be a problem of my own. I have had such a misconception of life thinking that things will just come to me, when the truth is, the clock is ticking and i just need to live... 
“If you wait around to take the perfect picture, you’ll miss out on life along the way.” 
I need to stop living in a fantasy and jump into reality.