Saturday, April 9, 2011

What a Hypocrite.

A feather. An object? An analogy? A state of mind? So many different things a simple feather could be referred to, yet no one takes the time to think about a little old feather, why would you? It’s not useful to you, doesn’t help you in any way, you don’t get any enjoyment out of a little feather. That’s the point though, in this day I am overwhelmed on how people are treated the same exact way as a poor feather. I myself am guilty of this analogy, ignoring a lonely person when I have the ability to include them. Living in todays day and age, it’s so extremely difficult to not get caught up in life. However, we need to realize, it’s these little things like picking up a feather when it fell down that builds who we are and who we will become. Life shouldn’t be lived for what just gets you by, it should be lived in the upmost light and respect for everyone on this planet because every single one of us contributes so much to this world and how our future and the future of so many more people will develop. There is so much hatred bottled up in this place we call home, it makes me sick. 
Judgement. Discrimination. Jealousy. Repudiation. Selflessness. Humiliation. The list is endless.
If you haven’t realized by now, I created this blog in the means of expressing my true opinions about the world, and anything else for that matter. The worst part? What a hypocrite I am. 

I wish more than anything in this infinite galaxy.. I could just take my own advice for once.

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